Special Thanks
company logo collaborations
Angel Cunningham (2024-2025)
company name collaboration
Sarah Cozzi
Dana Christy
Phillip Lewis
Frank J. Glab (2024-2025)
lighting designer
Tessa Marie Beard (2025)
Frank J. Glab (2024-2025)
Chromabeats (2024-2025)
Allen Russell (2024-2025)
other funders
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Graduate Dance Department (2024-2025)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Graduate Advanced Opportunity Program Fellowship (AOP) (2023-2025)
Christal Wagner (2024)
Michelle Reid (2025 & 2018)
Robert Turski (2015)
production manager
Joel Phillip: Onboarding (2024-2025)
video artists
Alex Yasinovsky (2024-2025)
Spence Warren (2024-2025)
Jason Lee: Livestream (2025)
website editor collaboration (mobile app: resource page menu)
Danrricos Agency (2024)
Thank you to all my friends, family, coworkers, peers, dancers, teachers, UWM MFA Cohort, professors, directors, managers, theatre ensembles, audience members, photographers, videographers, musicians, production crew, acquaintances, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse practitioners, strangers, former lovers, and former friends or friends who drifted apart who have helped me throughout my life. Thank you to all the people who let me couch surf at their place, protected, fed, sheltered, listened to me, let me cry on your shoulder, let me vent, called me out, held space, and just be there for me!
I want to give special thanks, recognition, and dedications to Frank Glab (my life partner), my mom (Maria Elena), my sisters (Marlena Irizarry, Herminia Chase, Maria Guzman, and Abigail Sanchez), Wren Logan (my psychiatrist), Pierre Lockett, Jennifer Smith, Kathleen Ridlon, Steve Jones, Silvita Diaz Brown, Ginny Ching Yin Lo, Joel Hall, Dana Christy, Phillip Lewis, Carole (Mama) Lewis, Zosia Holden, Angel Cunningham, Joel Phillip, Nadine Mauricio, Derek Quesada, Monternez (Monty) EmceeMonte Rezell, members in Movement Revolution Dance Crew (MRDC), Culture Shock Chicago (Labake Oyebanjo, Eileen Mallory, Christopher Courtney), Gallery 37, After School Matters, Sarah Cyrek, Luke and Mel Salvesen, Mary Lynn Lynch, Rosalie Gallardo, Jimmy, Cookie Ruggiero, Lindsay McMullen, my camping group (The Hive) (which includes but not limited to Nikohl Stands, Cody Calebra, Ivy Reinwasser), Paul & Nikol Pelc, John and Stephanie Walter, Kelsey Broz, Addam Cross Westphal, Mike Sherman, Alli Grabarczyk, Manuel Orellana, Kuya Eric & Eli, Periodic Table (my old high school crew), Pandora's Box Dance Crew and the Fam (college crew), Robert San Miguel, Brandon Chase, Gail Chase, Nestor Guzman, Azela Irizarry, Juan Q Irizarry, Roel Doherty-Roque, Maria Concepcion Roque, Miguel Rodriguez, Gail Leoni, Lara Brewner, Faculty in Knox College's Trio Program (2011-2015), Brandon Avery Paraharm, Carl Voss and Bryan Valencia (who has seen the worst side of me and gave me love and support), Jannet Fok & Deborah Maris Lader (who took me in, when I had no place I could go), and Morgan Tonner & Isamar Perez (who helped saved my life). Without your love and support, I would not have made it as far as I did! I am truly thankful!
Last but not least, I dedicate this company to the audience members, all the people who are living with bipolar disorder, people with other mental illnesses, people struggling with their mental health or addiction, the outcasts, and all the people who lost their lives due to suicide or hate crimes. If you are struggling or are contemplating suicide or self-harm, please reach out for help. You are not alone!